Plum and Cardamom Kulfi

Plum and Cardamom Kulfi

Luumu-kardemummakulfi (intialaiset jäätelöpuikot)

Things are hotting up here in the city.  I am not good with summer or heat, I really am a classic pale English man who burns to a crisp in a matter of moments!  So I take every opportunity to stay hidden in the shade and cool down with an ice cream. These are my plum and cardamom kulfi.  Kulfi is a traditional Indian ice dessert, often spiced with cardamom or saffron and available in a variety of delicious flavours, (check out my mango version here).  I used tangy red plums, which work perfectly with cardamom and give this vibrant fuchsia colour.  They are incredibly easy to make and once frozen, they are removed from the mold and rolled in chopped pistachios.  Try and find the best/ freshest cardamom you can, it really makes a difference.  I am lucky, as I was given some  from a return trip to India and it is so much more flavourful than the pods in my local supermarket.

Plum and Cardamom Kulfi (makes around 6, depending on the size of your molds)

2 cardamom pods

400 g plums, halved and stoned

25g sugar

2 dl/ 200ml coconut condensed milk (I recommend Nature’s charm or if you can’t find it you can make your own – see my recipe here)

0.5 dl/ 50ml plant based milk


Bash the cardamom pods to remove the seeds, then crush them with a pestle and mortar.  Add to a pan along with the plums, the sugar and a splash of water.  Bring to a low simmer, cover and allow the plums to stew and soften, (around 10 minutes).  

Remove from the heat and allow to cool a little, before pulsing in a blender to create a smooth puree.  Pour in a bowl with the condensed milk and plant based milk and stir well.  Pour into molds and freeze until solid.   I usually freeze for an hour or so then add my Lollipop sticks, so the kulfi are frozen enough that the sticks stand upright.

To serve, dip the molds in hot water to make them easier to remove.  Roll in the chopped pistachios and enjoy!

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